application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetModulo riconoscimento esami ER_credit recognition(XLSX | 233 KB)
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The Erasmus Programme allows students to spend a study period (one or two semesters) in a Partner University of the European Union and in other Extra EU countries members of the Programme.

The Department of Industrial Engineering has numerous agreements in Europe with more than 70 scholarships for 32 European universities.

Erasmus Programme - Partner Institutions, duration, scholarship, how to apply


Learning Agreement

Once selected for a destination, students need to prepare the Learning Agreement with the courses they wish to attend abroad in accordance with the Erasmus coordinator of the Department. It is necessary to submit to the coordinator the current study plan  and the list of courses to be followed abroad with the relative programs. The mobility can be authorized only after the Learning Agreement has been approved by all the Parties (student - UniTrento coordinator- Host University).

It is possible to amend the Learning Agreement during the mobility. Any changes to the Learning Agreement must be approved by both institutions at the beginning of each semester of mobility.

Credit recognition

Upon return from mobility, students are required to deliver to the Erasmus coordinator the Transcript of Records with the results obtained abroad together with the request for credit recognition (form in the Download box).
The Erasmus coordinator will assign the grades based on the conversion table that can be found in the Download box. 

Both the credit recognition form signed by the Erasmus coordinator and the Transcript of Records must then be transferred to the International Mobility Office for the registration of grades.
The credit transfer request form and the grade conversion table (in Italian) are available in the download box.

Usefult tips for your application

  • read the Announcement and Attachment 1 of the Announcement and assess the destinations that interest you (noting the specific details about each place – language area, length of time for which scholarships are given, subject areas, etc);
  • go on to the websites of the foreign universities you are considering and take note of their academic calendars and courses.  Finding the right courses is vital for your choice and for completing the section of the application form dealing with the educational reasons for your choice;
  • participate to the annual information session and consult the International Mobility Office and the appropriate Destination Coordinator about the universities most suitable for your study program;
  • fill out the online form in good time and submit it a few days before the deadline expires. 

Erasmus is promoted by the European Union and its main goal is to allow the exchange of students from the universities taking part in the Programme.
Students regularly enrolled in a bachelor degree, master degree or Doctoral course of the Department of industrial engineering may take part in Erasmus as established by inter-institutional regulations activated every academic year.
The period spent abroad can vary from a minimum of 3 to a maximum of 12 months for every single cycle of studies.
While on Erasmus, students have the chance to study full time or even carry out research for their thesis. Credits are regularly acquired while abroad and then become an integral part of each student’s curricula.