The Department Teaching Board conferred to the Joint committee professors-students the power to manage complaints lodged by students. This is still in a test phase and might undergo changes without prejudice to the Statute and to the general and the students Regulation of the University of Trento.

The Joint committee is especially in charge of:

  • examining both written and oral reports and complaints filed by students enrolled at the Department of Industrial Engineering with the exception of anonymous ones and of the ones which are responsibility of the students Warrantor (as stated in the art. 7 of the Students Regulation). The complaints might concern, among other topics, courses, timetable, relationships between professors and students, exams;
  • evaluating facts and finding convenient solutions by involving, if necessary, other offices and entities of the University in compliance with the specific roles and functions.

Claims are discussed by the professors-students Joint Committee without the names of the involved students being revealed.
Students delegates taking part in the Teaching Board Commission are informed of the claims in advance.

If the reports involve even indirectly one or more members of the Joint committee, the involved members are prevented from taking part in the decision meetings. To guarantee the regular composition of the Committee (which must always be made of a chairman, 2 professors and 3 students), the chairman or his substitute can co-opt external members to discuss the particular instance.

Complaints can be forwarded directly to the Department secretariat or sent via email to the following address dii.supportstuff [at] indicating in the reference “Complaint”.