application/pdfLT Ingegneria Industriale - 2 sem 2019-20(PDF | 136 KB)
application/pdfLM Materials and Production Engineering - 2 sem 2019-20(PDF | 131 KB)
application/pdfLM Ingegneria Meccatronica - 2 sem 2019-20(PDF | 129 KB)

After the measures taken by the Rector for the suspension of all teaching activities, all degree programs are making arrangements to ensure distance learning possibilities for students.
There are two ways to access lessons remotely: Synchronous and Asynchronous mode.
Details about these modalities are available on Didattica OnLine website

Details about the distance learning implemented by courses in the file in the download box.

"Materials science and technology laboratory" (AD 140307 - Professor Dal Maschio) is suspended, because the laboratory activities are not suitable to be taught online. Classes will be make up in June.

Cancellation of intermediate tests for LT Industrial Engineering courses

Following the recent restrictions for Covid-19 health emergency, the mid-course tests foreseen in the 2019-20 academic calendar scheduled 30 and 31 March 2020 are canceled for some courses of the degree course in Industrial Engineering. The distance learning proceeds in the manner provided by the individual teachers.

INSTRUCTIONS for external activity for Master degrees thesis 

Following the indications issued by the University for the management of traineeships, students of Master's degrees who are carrying out external activities for degree thesis in a company / external body in Italy or abroad, if by March 2020:
 a) have completed at least 75% of the activity, the same can be considered completed. In this case, the tutor confirms the closure of the external activity.
 b) have not yet completed 75% of the activity:
    - 1. in agreement and with the authorization of their university tutor and of the company / institution, students can continue the activity in Smart working mode. In this case, they must communicate this kind of activity, the description of the activity and the location (home).
    - 2. if the students cannot continue remotely (ex: the company does not implement this form of work, the activity is not compatible with remote work, etc.), the external thesis activity is suspended. In this case the tutor will confirm the closure of the external activity (not the thesis work).

Cycle of seminar "The future of industrial engineering a.a. 2019-20"

In compliance with the provisions and limitations provided by the ministerial ordinance to counter the emergency COVID-19, the seminar cycle is temporarily suspended, it will be assessed later on whether it will be possible to offer it.
Students who are in the last year of the course and who need type F CFU for the completion of their university career and admission to the final test for the month of July 2020, are requested to report it by sending an email to the department secretariat so that appropriate solutions can be found, such as study activities in addition to your thesis work to be agreed with your supervisor.