The Parethetic committee is active within the Department of Industrial Engineering. The Committee is required to: supervise the training activities, express their remarks on the quality of such training activities and the services provided to students, and on topics related to the right to access studies.
The Parethetic committee submits its Annual Report on Training Activities to the Deparment's Board.
The Report analyzes the level of satisfaction expressed by students as for various elements of the training activities:
- the activities of teaching staff
- the students' careers
- the quality of facilities and laboratories
- the quality of services
- the organization of the facilities and spaces devoted to studying activities
The Parethetic committee is in charge for 2 years and it is made up of 3 professors and three students, chosen among the representatives elected in the Department's Board. The current members are:
- Antonella Motta
- Giulia Giordano (President)
- David Macii
- Michele Fedel
- Paolo Bosetti
- Mr. Matteo Zadra, enrolled in the Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering;
- Dott. Federico Burgio, enrolled in the Master's Degree in Mechatronics Engineering;
- Dr. Aurora Cicolin, enrolled in the Master's Degree in Materials Engineering;
- Dr. Cesare Lusenti, enrolled in the Master's Degree in Management and Industrial Systems Engineering;
- Dr. Alessandro Perinon, enrolled in the Master's Degree in Bioengineering for Personalized Medicine.