Access to the laboratories to carry out research activity
Only users authorized by the managers of the laboratories are allowed to access the laboratories of the Department. The procedure to follow is described below.
Phase 1
The professor who is responsible for the research activity (RA) fills in together with the person who asks to access the laboratories (user) the following forms:
- access request (form B and/or form C);
- risk identification form.
Both forms must be duly filled in and signed both by the RA and the user.
The RA must verify that the user completed a specific training safety course (8 hours, medium risk) no older than 5 years in compliance with the Testo Unico in materia di salute e sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro D.lgs. 9 aprile 2008, n.81. The certificate can be issued either by UNITN or by an external institution. Information about the specific training course medium risk organised by UNITN are available at Infostudenti.
The RA sends the access request form and the risk identification forms to dii.accessolab [at] 15 days before the planned start date of the activity at the latest. The staff of the Department sends for signature the forms to the lab managers through U-Sign platform.
Delays in the process or mistakes in the form might set back the planned starting date of the activity.
As soon as phase 1 is complete, the staff of the Department notify the user, the RA and the involved lab managers via e-mail.
The RA will provide the user with the training regarding the use of PPE and equipment. The RA is recommended to fill in the form regarding training and PPE (available at the bottom of this page), to sign it, to ask the user to sign it and to keep it until the end of the research activity period.
Phase 2
UNITN internal users (the email address is required) book a place in the laboratories through the platform DII – Shared Spaces following the instructions in the section "Instructions for users of shared spaces" (not all laboratories use this system).
The RA books places in the laboratories for UNITN students and external users.
To postpone the ending of the activity, the RA must send an email to the staff of the Department at dii.accessolab [at] communicating the new end date.
The complete procedure is described in “Access to the DII laboratories”.
F credits for students for research activity
To request recognition of the research activity carried out in the laboratories of the Department, please fill in the form, ask your supervisor to sign it and send it to the secretariat of the Department.
Access to the laboratories for courses
The teacher of the course fill in together with the students the form to request the access to the laboratories for courses.
The request form and a detailed description of the procedure (Italian only) are available below.