application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentForm external activity related to the thesis(DOCX | 177 KB)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentForm type F credits DII(DOCX | 149 KB)

How to start the activity

In case the activity related to the final exam is carried out at a company/institution/organization different from the University of Trento (in Italy or abroad) the student must fill in and undersign the forms and deliver them to the Secretariat of the Department before the beginning of the activity:

  • Annex A: student application
  • Annex B: supervisor authorization
  • Annex C: hosting company/institution/organization approval

Master's degree students

Before the above-mentioned form, Master's Degree students who plan to carry out their research activity at an external organization/company are required to deliver Request for the Dissertation Topic as indicated at the dedicated webpage.

Insurance policy

The Secretariat of the Department will set up an accident insurance policy before the beginning of the activity.

Type F credits

Once the activity is finished, in order to obtain the corresponding credits the student must undersign and submit for approval the form and then deliver it to the Secretariat of the Department.